In Less Depressing News and Painterly Things

It’s been quiet around here—no reviews, no reading or writing updates, no artwork—for the past couple of weeks because I’ve been dealing with some personal issues that cropped up. But rather than let myself wallow in my festering pool of self-pity any longer, I’ve decided I need to start moving in the forward direction.

About halfway through my swim (through the festering pool of self-pity), I realized that I’d packed on more pounds than my delusional self would care to admit and as part of the forward moving plan, I’m juice fasting. Sort of.

The plan is to gradually replace my solid meals with vegi-juice blends and then juice fast (i.e. no solid foods) for 10 full days before gradually re-introducing solid foods into my diet. I’m hoping the process will reset my taste buds so the withdrawal symptoms from my sugary substance addiction won’t be so horrible.

About three quarters of the way through my swim, I realized that I’d made absolutely no progress on any of my writing projects. Oh no. That simply won’t do. So along with juice fasting for the next couple of weeks, I’ll be camping out in my closet with my favorite pen, notebook, and a flashlight…writing. I might emerge every once in a while to provide updates, but all other minutes will be spent writing.

In better news, I found some amazing inks! And technically they aren’t inks, but liquid acrylic. The first color is Daler & Rowney Pearlescent Birdwing Copper and Pearlescent Silver Moss. Plus I also found some black cotton paper. I’m so in love with these two colors and my paper that I can’t wait to use them for an art project. Maybe the art project will become my next Wordless Wednesday (which is woefully behind). Happy days are here again. I know it’s silly to get this excited about liquid acrylic and cotton paper, but I have so very little in my life, let me have this.

Thus ends the update.

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