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A girl in the world who loves stripey knee socks and her cat. She also loves to read, write, draw, and a bunch of other things in between.
- sierra kirkland on 90 Second Review: Hannah (Daughters of the Sea) by Kathryn Lasky
- Natalia on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- Ana Mardoll on The Will to Write
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Tag Archives: night princesses
SFP: Night Princesses, Chapter 13
It’s about time I break out of my writing funk and reacquaint myself with The Night Princesses. Chapter 12 is done, but in sore need of some serious editing. However, the goal here is to keep moving forward. I can … Continue reading
Wordle, Wordle, Wordle…
I have no idea why, but when I think of Wordle, that episode of the Smurfs where Tailor Smurf says, “Needle, needle, needle!” over and over pops into my head. (Yeah, that’s totally random and has absolutely nothing to do … Continue reading
Instead of Writing 001: Sigane
This is what I was doing instead of writing… At least it’s related to my current WIP. (Sigane is one of the characters in Night Princesses.)
SFP: Night Princesses, Stuck on Chapter 12
OK, I’m not really stuck. So, I went back and finished chapter 11 although I said I was going to pause and write chapter 12. Now that I’m actually writing chapter 12, it’s slow going. Not because I don’t know … Continue reading
SFP: Night Princesses, Continuing Chapter 11
Progress, progress, progress. That’s what I’m making. Hooray! I was able to finish not only chapter 9, but also chapter 10. Now I’m working on chapter 11, which will be sponsoring today’s SFP. Actually, it will be the first three … Continue reading
SFP: Night Princesses, Starting Chapter 9
I’d hoped to start doing the SFP’s beginning with chapter 1 of the MS, cautiously dubbed Night Princesses, but I really don’t feel like traveling back in time right now. I’ve just begun chapter 9, so I’m going with that. … Continue reading
A Turn Has Been Taken
From My Official Writing Blog (the hard copy) dated 03.14.11 My sister woke me up this morning because I was supposed to read her the next chapter in the story. Luckily she’d just gotten off work and felt tired so … Continue reading