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All the content on this site is copyrighted by me, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Please don't plagiarize it, thanks.About JDM
A girl in the world who loves stripey knee socks and her cat. She also loves to read, write, draw, and a bunch of other things in between.
- sierra kirkland on 90 Second Review: Hannah (Daughters of the Sea) by Kathryn Lasky
- Natalia on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- Ana Mardoll on The Will to Write
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The Internet-less Diet
A few weeks ago, my DSL modem died. After calling the phone company, I was promised a new one. When a week drifted by and no new modem in sight, I decided to call the cable company.
The new cable modem arrived, I hooked it up, and contacted the cable company to activate my service. I did a little jig first, but it didn’t help. I still had no internet.
Two weeks and several phone calls later, it turns out that someone had cut the cable and stolen the box that was supposed to be attached to my home. Why the first guy who came out to “activate” the service didn’t catch this, I’ll never know. All that matters is that I finally have internet again.
It’s like having a limb reattached. While I don’t have an actual frame of reference, it’s like I imagine it would be: glad to have it back, but hazy because you aren’t quite sure what to do with it yet.
But while I was out of touch with the world, I’ve discovered much since I had to find other uses for my time. I don’t watch much television (think less than 30 minutes a day) and I can only read for so many hours before losing my mind, so my options were limited. In fact, most of the internet-less time was spent uncluttering my home.
And what a behemoth task that was (and still is because, truth be told, I’m not finished). One of the primary areas of contention? Books. Lots and lots and lots of books. I stopped counting at 300. I got rid of two boxes of them and I still have too many.
Plus notebooks and journals.
I’m a stationary freak with a journal fetish. So if the journal is pretty or the paper seems ideal for writing a particular story or novel, it will end up in my collection.
The sad part is that 90% of those journals and notebooks are empty. Not a single word written in them. (I haven’t gotten rid of any of those though because the emotional attachment is still too strong.)
Not to mention the pens and pencils. Twelve pencil boxes full. TWELVE. Probably more that I don’t even know about. I like to draw and all, but what human being needs that many pens, pencils, highlighters, and other writing tools? I’m so ashamed.
But, I’m hoping to turn over a new leaf…a brutally honest and practical leaf.
So, as I continue going through my books and stationary and writing implements, I’ve decided to start giving away that which I know I won’t use in this lifetime.
First up will probably be my Pilot Varsity Disposable Fountain Pens. I’ve tried to like them, but don’t. The line they produce is too thick for my liking and the nibs aren’t flexible enough (I like line variation). However, they’re good basic fountain pens that I’m sure would make someone else happy.
In the interest of full disclosure, these pens are used. All of them, except red, are 90%+ full. The red, however, is almost depleted. Not sure how because I haven’t actually used it, but it is what it is.
They’re free to the first person willing to pay the $5 shipping. Just send me an email.
I figure if this works out well enough, I’ll start giving away more free stuff on the blog.
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Wordless Wednesday 008
(Another not-so-wordless, but I believe forgivably so, image.)
“When night falls it’s time to hang out the stars”
The Curse of Friday the 13th
Love the feature films (the “classic” ones), but never really believed in the curse. I’d survived a number of Friday-the-13th’s with nary a scratch. And then yesterday happened.
- I awoke with an ear/sinus infection (first one EVER)
- My jerryrigged modem sputtered and died (new one still hasn’t arrived)
- The laptop I was working on decided to do an unsolicited update which borked everything, threw up an error, and then refused to work properly even after a reboot
- My iPhone (and its various Apps) began misbehaving…actually most of my electronic devices began misbehaving…
By the early afternoon, the only thing I wanted to do was curl up into the fetal position and sleep through the rest of the day. That didn’t happen, however. Instead, I decided it was time to go analog.
I grabbed my sketchbook (of which a sheet tore while I was erasing), a pencil (the lead of which broke more times than I care to recall), and just draw. It was actually rather cathartic (minor SNAFUs notwithstanding)…and before I knew it, the day was nearing a close.
And today? My ear feels considerably better (though there’s still some swelling and a Dr.’s appointment in my future), for the time being the modem is behaving as is my iPhone and its Apps. (I haven’t turned on the evil laptop yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that were somehow miraculously fixed.)
At least I didn’t get eaten by a bear.
But now for the real reason for this post. The blog will likely be quiet for a few days. That’s because of the modem situation. I’ve chucked in the towel with AT&T’s DSL service after that whole modem fiasco and I’ve ordered cable internet…I just have to wait for the new modem to arrive and the service to be activated, so that means roughly a week with spotty internet access.
(Somehow being eaten by a bear seems preferable to no internet access. I hope I can survive.)
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SFP: Love, In Reverse (Novella), Ch. 1
I’ve spent the last little while mostly reading. And daydreaming. So it’s just about time I got back to writing. After finishing a few short stories (still in editing, but I’ll get them online soon enough), I began work on a story that’s been niggling at me for the past year or so.
At first it was going to be a full-length novel, but after mapping it, I decided it would probably be better served as a novella. This story is firmly rooted in reality (meaning there are no supernatural beings or sci-fi/fantasy elements) and would probably be best classified as drama.
Now, without further ado, the SFP(age):
Friday, 23 September, 9:06PM
Tessa’s phone chirped from the night stand, telling her she’d received a text message. She didn’t move. Her mind was preoccupied with quieting itself. The phone chirped again. Headlights spilled through the blinds momentarily flooding her room with stripes of light and shadow. A car halted at the curb in front of her home. She checked the slit beneath her bedroom door. Still dark.
She rolled over and checked her phone.
RICK 9:06PM: we need 2 talk.
RICK 9:07PM: I need 2 c u.Tessa had just finished typing her two letter response when the phone chirped again and a new text message consumed the screen.
RICK 9:11PM: im outside. come out.
After deleting the previous three messages, Tessa returned to her text and hit the send button. The phone chirped almost immediately.
RICK 9:13PM: ill knock.
A small gust of air caught in her throat. Again she checked the slit beneath her door. Thirty seconds passed before she was certain her parents hadn’t been awakened telepathically by Rick’s threat.
She called him.
“This will only take a few minutes,” he said the moment he answered the phone, before Tessa could collect her thoughts to speak.
“Why are you doing this?” She whispered.
“Because I love you. And I know that means I need to let you go. That’s why I’m here, to say good-bye.”
I’m actually going to do something a little different and release the first chapter since I’m close to having the entire first draft completed. Click to download Chapter 1 (PDF, 5 pgs.).
90 Second Review: The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
This trilogy (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay) is raw and brutal, the characters and their relationships are genuine, and the story is absolutely gripping. The writing so so crisp that each sentence, each paragraph, each chapter flowed into the next. My only struggle was with the third book, not necessarily because it was deficient in any way, but because it was bleak; it ultimately brought up some hard questions to answer about society and politics.
Personal rating: 5/5 Stars
90 Second Review: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
This is one of the most beautifully written books I’ve ever read (speaking in terms of prose and syntax). In fact, it’s one of the only books I’ve had a desire to reread simply for the pleasure of it. The atmosphere was Gothic, murky, and mysterious. The language was lush and strangely inviting. The characters were memorable. The story was consuming, however, the denouement was somewhat weak, but when I think of the book as a whole, it’s forgivable.
Personal rating: 5/5 Stars