This challenge is officially closed. Thank you to everyone who participated; I loved reading about your character crushes. I’ll be selecting a winner shortly and will post it in an update.
Every so often I’ll come across a character in a book which makes me think, I would run away with him in a heartbeat, and I’m praying I’m not the only one. That’s why I’m hosting this particular mini challenge.
I want to hear about that character (or those characters) you’d pack up your current life to run away with, and why. Tell the world why that character is so charming to you and, if you feel so inclined, where you’d go. Make us want to run away with you! (Oh, and don’t forget to mention the book and author so our TBR piles can grow.)
At the end of the challenge, I’ll randomly select someone to choose 2 books from the list below or a single book from The Book Depository up to $12.97USD. Yes, this contest is open internationally if selecting from the prizes below, otherwise anywhere The Book Depository ships. However, to participate, you must be at least 13 years old. (It’s a privacy law thing.)
To enter, you can blog about your character crush, but please make sure to come back here and comment with a link to your post, or you can just leave your answer in the comments. Thanks for participating, and have fun.
This challenge will end in 3 hours @ 4AM EDT Extended to 5AM EDT (sorry to everyone who tried to comment and couldn’t!)
Books to Choose From:
Wither by Lauren DeStefano (ARC)
In the not-too-distant future, because of genetic engineering, every human is a ticking time bomb—males only live to age twenty-five, and females only live to age twenty. To keep the population from dying out, girls are kidnapped and sold into polygamous marriages.
When sixteen-year-old Rhine is taken, she enters a world of wealth and privilege that both entices and terrifies her. She has everything she ever wanted—except freedom. With the help of Gabriel, a servant Rhine is growing dangerously attracted to, Rhine attempts to escape before it is too late.
Wake by Lisa McMann (Hardcover)
Not all dreams are sweet. For seventeen-year-old Janie, getting sucked into other people’s dreams is getting old. Especially the falling dreams, the naked-but-nobody-notices dreams, and the sex-crazed dreams. Janie’s seen enough fantasy booty to last her a lifetime.
She can’t tell anybody about what she does—they’d never believe her, or worse, they’d think she’s a freak. So Janie lives on the fringe, cursed with an ability she doesn’t want and can’t control.
Then she falls into a gruesome nightmare, one that chills her to the bone. For the first time, Janie is more than a witness to someone else’s twisted psyche. She is a participant…
The Devouring by Simon Holt (Hardcover)
The Vours: Evil, demonic beings that inhabit human bodies on Sorry Night, the darkest hours of the winter solstice.
This isn’t how the horror ended for us—this is how it began.
When Reggie reads about the Vours in a mysterious old journal, she assumes they are just the musings of an anonymous lunatic. But when her little brother, Henry, begins to act strangely, it’s clear that these creatures exist beyond a madwoman’s imagination, and Reggie finds out what happens when fears come to life.
To save the people she loves, Reggie must learn to survive in a world of nightmares. Can she devour her own fears before they devour her?
Strange Brew (Audiobook)
Today’s Hottest Urban Fantasy Authors Come Together in This Delicious Brew That Crackles and Boils Over with Tales of Powerful Witches and Dark Magic…
In Charlaine Harris’s “Bacon,” a beautiful vampire joins forces with a witch from an ancient line to find out who killed her beloved husband. In “Seeing Eye” by Patricia Briggs, a blind witch helps sexy werewolf Tom Franklin find his missing brother—and ends up helping him in more ways than either of them ever expected. And in Jim Butcher’s “Last Call,” wizard Harry Dresden takes on the darkest of dark powers—the ones who dare to mess with his favorite beer.
Anyone who’s ever wondered what lies beyond the limits of reality, who’s imagined the secret spaces where witches wield fearsome magic, come and drink deep. Let yourself fall under the spell of this bewitching collection!
Blog Marketing by Jeremy Wright (Hardcover)
Today, tens of millions of bloggers are communicating on the Internet about companies, products, trends, and much more. Don’t miss out on the conversation! Blog Marketing explains how blogs are amazingly cost-effective tools for making business decisions based on actual customer feedback and market intelligence.
Hands down, Jacob from Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.
When he was younger, I loved the serious, responsible side of him. He looked out for everyone he cared about. And when he was older, I cracked up at his sarcastic comments to the nurses in the home he was living in.
My answer isn’t even sophisticated. I would run away with Pippi Longstocking (and Tommy, Annika, the horse and Mr Nelson, the monkey).
Not only because she was my childhood heroine, but also because I am wayyyyy too stressed at the moment and running away with Pippi, chasing pirates and camping out on an island for a while would just be the best thing to deal with stress.
Besides, Pippi has special Krumelus (at least that’s what they’re called in the German edition) pills that prevent you from ever growing up, making sure you can stay a child forever.
Would be fantastic!
I have many literary crushes, but this read-a-thon has given me a brand-new one! I would totally run away with Etienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. He’s confident, charismatic, and romantic; he’s not afraid to pursue a girl; he has a British accent; AND he has an adorably debilitating fear of heights! In the book, Anna is completely swept off her feet, and I’ll admit that I was too! Of course, if I were to run away with him, he would need to be about 10 years older, because it might be wrong for me (at 25) to date an 18-year-old! I think we’d run away to London and have a wonderful time being geeky tourists.
Good question; I know I have a ton of book crushes, but my sleep-deprived brain can’t think of any.
Oh! There’s homicide detective Milo Sturgis from Jonathan Kellerman’s Alex Delaware series. Even though he just comes across as average, I love that, even though he tries to act tough, he really is caring and does have a heart. Plus, he can be hilariously sarcastic. And he’s loyal to his friends and those he cares about. Sounds perfect, right? Well, the only problem is he’s gay and in a relationship with a handsome doctor. XD
Po from Graceling by Kristin Cashore, hands down. He’s the perfect mix of tough, smart, and kind, plus I’d totally trust him. He’s just…wonderful
Oh, there are a lot of them.
Of the top of my head… Bones from Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress Series (the perfect combination of Spike and Angel), Seth from Richelle Mead’s Succubus books (so cute, yet with a strong self), and who could possibly say no to Mr. Darcy? I could keep going….
Rhage from JR Ward’s BDB series (particularly Lover Eternal). I absolutely adore this series, as anyone that visits my blog can tell. Boasting movie screen good looks, an insatiable sex drive, and a smart mouth that almost puts even me to shame, Rhage, aka Hollywood, steals my heart page after page. I don’t care where he wants to go, I would follow this guy into a den of hungry hyena-pirahna hybrids that eat humans like popcorn…he is just that alluring. ;p
There is no one I would pack up my current life for but the one character I just love and can in another life would run away with in a heartbeat would be Peeta from The Hunger Games Trilogy. He’s loyal, brave and compassionate. He loves fiercely and willingly lays down his life again and again for those he loves. How more appealing could a man be?
No doubt about it………….Jamie Fraser from Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. He is just awesome, strong, big, sexy,, loving, kind, funny, perceptive, sensitive. Oh, and of course, he wears a kilt!
Marcus from Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. Any guy that can take down the government by using an Xbox is ok by me! Marcus has the perfect combination of nerd/stud/passion for life. I’m super into all that techy nerdy stuff, but don’t always understand it very well, so an added bonus would be to pick up a few tips along the way.
Ever since I first read Pride and Prejudice when I was 15 years old I’ve had a crush on Mr. Darcy. Jane Austen wrote a great love story and who couldn’t pass up being Elizabeth Bennet if they had the choice. Also the A&E movie version didn’t help matters with my crush!
This isn’t a crush exactly, but I always wanted to run away with the Boxcar Children. That book had a lot of magic for me when I was a little kid. Thinking about it now, I have no idea why I would want to live in a boxcar, but at the time, it really seemed like the cat’s pajamas.
I have to completely agree with Jen above, it IS Peeta from the Hunger Games trilogy for me too. The fact that he has baker’s/painter’s hands should be sufficient, but his undying devotion and unswerving loyalty would definitely make me run away with him in a heartbeat. Like, right now. =)
Only one? That’s difficult.
I’ll choose Aral Vorkosigan from Lois McMaster Bujold’s science fiction series. Before he met his future wife, of course. He’s honorable to a fault, kind, and generous.
Oh dear let’s see…
Ren from Andrea Cremer’s “Nightshade” series (um practically everything I could ever want in a guy)
Curran from Ilona Andrews’ “Kate Daniels” series (I like a man who thinks feeding his potential mate is a way to court her!)
Atticus from Kevin Hearne’s “Iron Druid Chronicles” (IRISH DRUID ’nuff said)
Durzo Blint from Brent Weeks’ “Night Angel” trilogy (700 year old assassin? with more weapons then I can shake a stick at? ALWAYS)
Elend from Brandon Sanderson’s “Mistborn” trilogy (he routinely gets pwned by his awesome significant other Vin, in almost everything, but I like a man who thinks big picture)
And for fun, since even manga characters deserve love, EDWARD ELRIC. Hands down I’d marry him in a hot second if someone were to make him real because you know what? He understands the pain of being short!
There are so many books with so many great characters.
To be completely honest, the one I would run away with is actually a horse. A magical horse. A Companion from Mercedes Lackey’s Valdemar series.
I would chose the grove born Companion Rolan. Not that I want to be a Queen’s closest advisor but because Rolan is just awesome. The first time I read Arrows of the Queen I would close my eyes and pretend I was the Chosen One, I was the one who had magical powers and I was the one who could speak mind to mind with him. I would go any where he wanted me to go.
Well, as another commenter stated, I don’t want to run away from my life. However, I do have a mad character crush on Roarke from J.D. Robb’s ‘In Death’ series. He’s smart, compassionate, moody, tall, loyal and sexy. Oh, and he has an Irish accent. Totally my type!
My answer is an easy one – the MC of the book I just finished rereading! Wes from The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen.
I just love everything about him. Sa-woon worthy good looks, his ability and acceptance of making mistakes and not being perfect, his insightful/thoughtful nature and innate goodness/politeness. Oh man, I would basically trade everything I have for a shot at him.
There are 2 people I wouldn’t mind running away with.
1. Garret Blake from the Message In A Bottle. I’m a sucker for love letters and his are the best I’ve read so far.
2. Mr. Darcy from Pride & Prejudice. Need I explain this one?
I’m embarrassed to even admit this, but I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t mention Snape. He’s first and foremost. After that, Sidney Carton from A Tale of Two Cities. What I like about him is the same thing I like about Snape: intelligence, bravery, and self-sacrifice. I also have a strong savior complex, so the emotional wretchedness of both characters is appealing to me. (I know, not exactly healthy or romantic, but there you go.) Also, Achilles from The Iliad. And Plato.
Sooooo, three emotionally unstable guys and a philosopher. I’m doomed.
I’m reading City of Fallen Angels right now and I would definitely run away with Jace! He is strong, determined, brave, and even vulnerable. I love that mix! Oh, and from Clare’s descriptions, he’s not bad to look at either!
George Emerson from “A Room with a View”. It’s as much who George is a character as what he and Lucy represent that makes me want to run off with him – the idea of Lucy going against so much of the culture & family values that she’s been raised of to be with him. Also, I am kind of in love with the movie version of George too… great question, it’s made me want to reread “Room” now! (But maybe AFTER the read-a-thon?)
I would run away with Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer in a heartbeat. He has his own comic book series so it counts! He’s sexy, unintentionally hilarious, evil, immortal. Where would I runaway with him? I would go anywhere with him!
Anywhere except in the sunlight
Hi! This is Robin in Mineola, Texas. I’m up at this early hour reading with the Mineola Memorial Library Reading Team.
I have major crushes on several characters and guess what…they all come from the mind of Dean Koontz. Yeah, I know. Scary. I love Christopher Snow from Fear Nothing and Seize the Night. Christopher is soft spoken, sexy and has XP. He is allergic to light so he does most of his living at night. Since I’m a night owl it only stands to reason that he would be my first choice.
I think Dylan O’Connor in By the Light of the Moon would be my next choice. Dylan is described as a big Teddy Bear. I am crazy about Teddy Bears. He is very protective of the people he loves and has a big soft spot for his little brother, Shep.
I would have to say that Billy Wiles in Velocity would come in third. He is ruthless in protecting himself and his family. Billy is smart, dangerous when he has to be and can turn out a mean strawberry daquari. Billy is a bartender
Lastly, and this probably the strangest one of all. I am inexplicably attracted to Odd Thomas. He sees dead people. But only friendly ones and then only the ones that are stuck here and can’t move on. It is his mission to help these poor souls get to the other side and while doing that he is fighting bad guys and flipping burgers. Odd is a fry cook.
So as you can see my tastes vary but only as far as Mr. Koontz imagination has allowed so far. It’s weird how a total stranger can know me so well.
The first man that popped into my head was Mr. Tilney from Northanger Abbey. The way he teases Catherine is just. So. Sexy. and I always felt his biggest flaw was falling in love with someone as undeveloped (mentally!) as her.
Or, you know, the Doctor.
@_eHope on twitter sharing my love and longing for Jane Austen’s Frederick Wentworth, penniless young naval officer, who wooed and won Anne Elliot, but later dismissed when a family friend and confidant persuades Anne he’s without a prospective future. He’s left bitter and deeply injured by Anne’s rejection. Leaving for the wars, he amasses the considerable fortune of £25,000 (around £2.5 million in today’s money) from prize money awarded for capturing enemy vessels, is promoted to Captain, and ends up returning to Anne’s corner of the world…His heart is attached and yearning still, for the one he loves. The depth of his love and long standing desire for her endears me to him entirely! no other woman measures close to his measure of her and he remains faithful in his heart’s desire for her.
oh for a man with such faithfulness! commanding presence, strength, desire under control, sense of humour, intelligence, ability, muscled masculinity and tall dark handsome good looks! ooo i’m all his! where to my gorgeous man? fully able to sweep me off my feet emotionally and physically, i’m longing for his embrace… and that kiss ! mmmm~ filled with passionate longing and desire…
get that ship’s berth ready! Captain Frederick’s steering our unhurried course via tropical tradewinds to secluded island coves in the Caribbean sun … ~
Mine is Gerry from PS I Love you.
My blogpost is here:
I have two big literary crushes: Valek from Maria V. Snyder’s Study series and Cadvan from The Chronicles of Pellinor by Alison Croggon. I think I would quite happily run away with either of them.
I had to sit here thinking about it, and then an obvious answer came to me: CHAR. Char from Ella Enchanted. Yessss.
Or Cimorene from Patricia C. Wrede’s Enchanted Forest Chronicles, because she doesn’t take crap from nobody!
If I may geek to a shockingly extreme level, the first character that leaped to mind was Corran Horn from the Star Wars EU X-Wing books. Obviously, we would live together in Star Wars. I like that he’s capable and funny and arrogant and yet can still take getting put in his place. Also, he has an X-wing, you guys!!!
My biggest crush is definitely Rhett Butler. Especially if he looks like Clark Gable! *droolz* I’d also run away with Gilbert Blythe, but I could never take him away from Anne because they are so lovely together…
didn’t mention book title, but probably well known ~ “Persuasion”
I just finished a book where I thought that about a hero–J-F in Den of Thieves. Loved him! He’s the king of thieves in Revolutionary France. But of course he has a heart of gold.
I would run away with Archer from Hex Hall.
I’m reading with the Mineola Memorial Library Reading Team. I would consider running away with a cowboy like Augustus “Gus” McRae. Out of all the books I’ve read in the last year, his character was the most memorable to me. He really knew how a lady should be treated. He went out of his way to make Lorena comfortable on the cattle drive. His feelings for Clara despite the years that came between them showed his tender side.
Without a doubt, I would run away from Peeta Mellark from The Hungar Games (if he loved me as much as he loved Katniss). I think he is perfect. Loving, self-sacrificing, perfect, and loyal. I have no faults with Peeta and his is probably my biggest literary crush at the moment. But now that I say that, I might also run away with Mr. Darcy from Pride & Prejudice. He is so amazing, thought that might be my crush on Colin Firth coming out… So either Mr. Darcy or Peeta Mellark are the ones I would run away with.
It would have to be Laurie from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. One of my favorite books with one of my favorite characters, Jo March. I wanted to be Jo, but with one small difference. I would have said yes to Laurie. Of course, that was my young mind speaking, but even as I read it again as an adult, I still wanted Laurie. What better match is there than a good friend? And I also couldn’t help picturing the dreamy Christian Bale (IMO) as Laurie which made me want him all the more.
Fun mini-challenge…thanks!
Mr. Knightley from Emma – as dreamy as Darcy, but with better disposition. I’d also love to take a restorative trip on the Busted Flush with Travis McGee.
I choose Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind. Maybe the post will work this time
I’d run away with Gus or Call from Lonesome Dove.
I’d always run away with Mr. Darcy, he’d just have to say the word and I’m there. My boyfriend knows and accepts this, though I think he probably has a feeling that it’s not likely to happen in the near future
I think Peter Pan was my first ever fictional crush and I’d run away with him to Never Never land in a heartbeat and just play around with the lost boys and the mermaids and go around chasing Hook. We’d have a blast!
My post for this mini-challenge
I’ve talked about this series a lot, but hands down my favorite boy in a series is Dave the Laugh (Confessions of Georgia Nicholson series by Louise Rennison). This is assuming that when I’m running away with him, he’s no 16. Because if he is, that’s just creepy. But he’s a laugh. What can I say?
Runner up is Marcus Flutie (Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty) because he made me forget Edward Cullen. Also this haiku:
Furious flutter
Awakened Hummingbird Heart
Hello hello Love.
I posted here as well:
So many literary crushes – but right now I’m going to have to say Tharkay from Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series – gotta love a well-travelled, aware, educated , loyal man who can still keep up a slightly shady aura around himself.
Or, and this one’s an all-time favourite, Feanor from the Silmarillion, /the/ (smoking hot!) elven Renaissance man. Now if we could just ignore a) the fact that he’s married and b) all the oath-and-kinslaying business… yeah.
I love this mini challange
I’d defo pack my life and leave EVERYTHING behind for Louis from Chasing Daisy by Paige Toon. He’s cocky, funny, hot, rich, loveable, caring and so much more! Everytime I read that book I smile I get swooshed of my feet even though he’s chasing Daisy I think it’s me he secretly wants .. . LOL A girl can dream
My head’s spinning. So many options.
First, Mr. Darcy from Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Seriously, who can resist Mr. Darcy and all his properness, not to mention his English accent. Swoon.
Next, Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. He’s so sweet, caring, charming, and devoted. You know what? He’s tied for first place.
Can’t forget Curran from the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. OK, he’s just plain sexy, and fierce. He makes me weak in the knees.
Okay, so I’m a bit cliche in that I have to admit to always having a crush on Mr. Darcy and Rhett Butler, although I don’t know that it would work with us. LOL.
My real crush, and this embarrasses me so much, is Father Ralph from The Thornbirds. I know!!! What’s wrong with me?!? I think it’s some sick, you love me and I love you triangle, but can’t have you that has me crushing on him. Might this stupid neurosis explain much in my love life? Yea, I’m sure.
I think mine would have to be Dr. Sam Parker of Falling Home by Karen White…
He was a compassionate, intelligent man with humor and conviction. Probably one of the most appealing male characters I’ve ever read!
Id run away with Griff from my current read The girl in the steel corset. He is smart caring and magical and cute
Mini challenge entry:
I’m reading with the Mineola Memorial Library Reading Team.
I recently finished 49 wonderful hours of listening to Gone with the Wind–my first read too. After all that time I feel that I got to know the real Rhett Butler–not the one from the movie, either! Book Rhett is soooooo much better. A real bad boy with a soft heart for a special lady. I would love to see what he could show me in New Orleans–a place I’ve always dreamed of going to. It certainly was a great place for Scarlet, so why not me?