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A girl in the world who loves stripey knee socks and her cat. She also loves to read, write, draw, and a bunch of other things in between.
- sierra kirkland on 90 Second Review: Hannah (Daughters of the Sea) by Kathryn Lasky
- Natalia on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- Ana Mardoll on The Will to Write
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Category Archives: Writing
Telling the Story, a New Mantra
In previous years I’ve tried the resolution route—telling myself I’ll do this, that, and the other—but it’s never quite worked out as I’d hoped. This year, I’m moving forward with a new attitude: Change. (Do what you’ve always done and … Continue reading
The Will to Write
It’s always about the will to write. Sometimes I write like a woman possessed for hours on end. Words drench the pages like a frenzied summer storm. Other days a drought has settled. Sometimes the block sneaks up on you. … Continue reading
Instead of Writing 002: When She Cries
There’s a notable lack of NaNoWriMo wrap-up posts over the past few days. That’s because life interrupted my original plans. Sorry. But yesterday I was able to get back on the writing bandwagon and churned out a couple thousand words … Continue reading
NaNoWriMo 2011 Day 4 Wrap-Up
Writing longhand is much slower than typing. But I like it, and I get to use my magic pen, so I won’t complain. And yes, Day 3 is missing because I wrote a grand total of zero words and there’s … Continue reading
Ex-Library Book Easter Eggs as Inspiration
A few weeks ago, I ordered a couple of books from the United Kingdom. They arrived a short time ago. When I started to read one of them, something stuck out…a small piece of paper, folded tightly. When I unraveled … Continue reading
NaNoWriMo 2011 Day 2 Wrap-Up
Finally, I made it. I got in today’s words. But I had to cheat a little bit. I ended up typing the last 1500 or so words rather than write longhand with my magic pen. Maybe that’ll explain why this … Continue reading
NaNoWriMo 2011 Day 1 Wrap Up
Wow. Where did the day go? Oh, yeah, that’s right…I spent 99% of it dillydallying. I went shopping. Found some awesome soap, grabbed a birthday present for my niece, and came up with an amazing idea: THE MAGIC PEN. You … Continue reading
Preparing for NaNoWriMo on a Soggy Halloween Night
First, it does not feel like Halloween at all because it’s been raining all day which means the ghouls and goblins have opted to stay inside…where it’s dry. But at least this weather is good for something: Inspiration. The deep … Continue reading