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All the content on this site is copyrighted by me, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Please don't plagiarize it, thanks.About JDM
A girl in the world who loves stripey knee socks and her cat. She also loves to read, write, draw, and a bunch of other things in between.
- sierra kirkland on 90 Second Review: Hannah (Daughters of the Sea) by Kathryn Lasky
- Natalia on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- Ana Mardoll on The Will to Write
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Category Archives: Reading
Deconstructing Hourglass by Myra McEntire
Last month I declared that contemporary YA lit killed courtship and announced my planned deconstruction of a contemporary YA title. Now that the book has been officially released, I feel comfortable naming it. The book in question (as if you … Continue reading
The Death of Courtship in Contemporary YA Lit
My friend Ana has been working on a series of deconstruction posts at the center of which is Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Basically, Ana goes through the book with a fine-toothed comb and offers insights during her reading. (Read it … Continue reading
The Magical Notebook Born from Fear
While chatting with a friend the other day, the topic of how we read came up. Something she said made me think of how I read and made me curious how other people read. (Mainly so I know I’m not … Continue reading
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24 Hr Read-a-Thon Update Post
This post will stay at the top of the page until Dewey’s 24 Hr. Read-a-Thon is finished. It’s where I’ll periodically update on my progress and other musings. (I tweaked this page because it suddenly made more sense to add … Continue reading
Reading Through the Night
Tomorrow is Dewey’s 24 Hr Read-a-Thon time. I will be participating this year…by reading and hosting a couple mini-challenges. I’ve already stocked up on my reading supplies: Cherry Coke Zero? Check. Microwave burritos? Check. Lots and lots o’ books? Check. … Continue reading
The Story of an eReader
Once upon a time, I tinkered with the notion of purchasing a Kindle, or more seriously, a NOOKcolor, however, never acted on the notion. But one day while passing my local Borders store I saw a giant banner that said: … Continue reading
Sunday Stacks 001
Sunday is the day of rest and reading, and these are the books in my stacks for this week. I’ve already started Entwined by Heather Dixon…it’s slow going. As I eased into chapter 4, I wished I were more into … Continue reading