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A girl in the world who loves stripey knee socks and her cat. She also loves to read, write, draw, and a bunch of other things in between.
- sierra kirkland on 90 Second Review: Hannah (Daughters of the Sea) by Kathryn Lasky
- Natalia on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- Ana Mardoll on The Will to Write
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Author Archives: J. D. Montague
The Internet-less Diet
A few weeks ago, my DSL modem died. After calling the phone company, I was promised a new one. When a week drifted by and no new modem in sight, I decided to call the cable company. The new cable … Continue reading
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Wordless Wednesday 008
(Another not-so-wordless, but I believe forgivably so, image.) “When night falls it’s time to hang out the stars”
The Curse of Friday the 13th
Love the feature films (the “classic” ones), but never really believed in the curse. I’d survived a number of Friday-the-13th’s with nary a scratch. And then yesterday happened. I awoke with an ear/sinus infection (first one EVER) My jerryrigged modem … Continue reading
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SFP: Love, In Reverse (Novella), Ch. 1
I’ve spent the last little while mostly reading. And daydreaming. So it’s just about time I got back to writing. After finishing a few short stories (still in editing, but I’ll get them online soon enough), I began work on … Continue reading
90 Second Review: The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
This trilogy (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay) is raw and brutal, the characters and their relationships are genuine, and the story is absolutely gripping. The writing so so crisp that each sentence, each paragraph, each chapter flowed into the … Continue reading
90 Second Review: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
This is one of the most beautifully written books I’ve ever read (speaking in terms of prose and syntax). In fact, it’s one of the only books I’ve had a desire to reread simply for the pleasure of it. The … Continue reading