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All the content on this site is copyrighted by me, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Please don't plagiarize it, thanks.About JDM
A girl in the world who loves stripey knee socks and her cat. She also loves to read, write, draw, and a bunch of other things in between.
- sierra kirkland on 90 Second Review: Hannah (Daughters of the Sea) by Kathryn Lasky
- Natalia on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- J. D. Montague on The Will to Write
- Ana Mardoll on The Will to Write
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Author Archives: J. D. Montague
90 Second Review: Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott
Wow, was I unprepared for this book. It’s powerful, heart-rending, and potent. And I don’t use those clichés lightly. The sparse, sometimes poetic, writing gets under the skin and the story lingers long after finishing. I’m not ashamed to admit … Continue reading
90 Second Review: Hollowland by Amanda Hocking
Fun-filled zombie mayhem and brain candy at its finest. A well-worn story tweaked to be interesting. The writing was easy to digest and captivating. The pace was fast, but not breathless. And the characters, especially Remi, were sufficiently endearing. The … Continue reading
Wordless Wednesday 011: An Experiment in Inspiration
(acrylic and gesso on paper)
001: Links for Creative Folk (Authors Included)
Interesting, informative, and inspirational links found while cruising the internet. Tarcher Top Artist: Drawing Competition: Although the deadline for the writing competition has passed, there’s still just over a month left to enter the drawing competition, based on Drawing on … Continue reading
A Publishing Schedule (I’m Just Thinking Out Loud…)
This blog is updated erratically. That must change. It’s not that I don’t enjoy writing this blog, it’s just that my mind jumps around quite a bit and sometimes I become so paralyzed by the possibilities that I don’t get … Continue reading
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Yes, I’m a Creative. No I don’t Support SOPA/PIPA.
I was going to write this really elegant post about why authors should be concerned about two bills going through legislation, Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP Act, and how these bills would affect them. But someone’s already done … Continue reading
Telling the Story, a New Mantra
In previous years I’ve tried the resolution route—telling myself I’ll do this, that, and the other—but it’s never quite worked out as I’d hoped. This year, I’m moving forward with a new attitude: Change. (Do what you’ve always done and … Continue reading
The Will to Write
It’s always about the will to write. Sometimes I write like a woman possessed for hours on end. Words drench the pages like a frenzied summer storm. Other days a drought has settled. Sometimes the block sneaks up on you. … Continue reading